Tiny Ninjas Testing Phase 2

Practice these with your Tiny Ninjas BEFORE we do do the testing!

We will be doing our first Tiny Ninjas stripe test days on August 26th and 28th.

In order to earn their stripe, they must get an 80% or better on each of the 5 techniques. Missing one technique will not earn a stripe.

The 5 techniques they need to know are..

1. Tackle the Ninja (Single Leg)
2. Tackle the Mummy (Double Leg)
3. Buck the Ninja (Mount Escape)
4. Kickstands from Mount (Holding Mount)
5. Race Car Driver

We do testing on two days so that if your child doesn’t quite hit the mark to earn their stripe on the Monday, they will have a second shot at it on Wednesday. If they do not earn a stripe on Monday, ask us what they missed and we will let you know what to work on for Wednesday!

Joe Lauzon

Co-Founder and Head Instructor, Lauzon Mixed Martial Arts

Joe Lauzon is a 26-time UFC Veteran and has the record for the most all-time Post-Fight bonus awards in the UFC (6x Submission of the Night, 6x Fight of the Night, 1x Knockout of the Night and 2x Performance of the Night). He was involved in the 2012 Fight of the Year with Jim Miller.

Joe Lauzon
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