26-time UFC Veteran Joe Lauzon explains the number one habit to save you a lot of injuries in your training!

Watch this video and learn 3 things you need to know about tapping out!

CHallenge Yourself

Get out of your comfort zone. Learn to defend yourself, get in shape and make friends... all at once. What are you waiting for?

Don't be shy

Tap your partner repeatedly with enough force that they know you are tapping. You don’t want them to miss a tap. 


Tap Early. Tap Often.

We all get tapped, so don’t worry about it. If you aren’t getting tapped out, you aren’t training with good enough people. Tap before you get injured, so you can keep training later.

BEst Ways to Tap

  • Repeatedly tap your partner, with force. 
  • Repeatedly tap the ground, very hard. 
  • Yell or scream in extreme cases. Its much better than getting injured.

Joe Lauzon

Co-Founder and Head Instructor, Lauzon Mixed Martial Arts

Joe Lauzon is a 26-time UFC Veteran and has the record for the most all-time Post-Fight bonus awards in the UFC (6x Submission of the Night, 6x Fight of the Night, 1x Knockout of the Night and 2x Performance of the Night). He was involved in the 2012 Fight of the Year with Jim Miller.

Joe Lauzon
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