Let Gravity be Your Friend

Put your weight to work. However much you have, let them feel it all. 

CHallenge Yourself

Get out of your comfort zone. Learn to defend yourself, get in shape and make friends... all at once. What are you waiting for?

Stay Low

Keep your chest down and let them carry all of your weight. 


We are going to grapevine, which is to entangle our legs to maintain a strong base. 

You can grapevine your legs to themselves OR you can grapevine your legs to their legs. 

There are Pro’s and Con’s to each but they are both great options. 

Wide Base with Arms

Keep a wide base with your arms so they can’t control them. We have already learned the buck and roll, so we know we don’t want them to control our base. 

Joe Lauzon

Co-Founder and Head Instructor, Lauzon Mixed Martial Arts

Joe Lauzon is a 26-time UFC Veteran and has the record for the most all-time Post-Fight bonus awards in the UFC (6x Submission of the Night, 6x Fight of the Night, 1x Knockout of the Night and 2x Performance of the Night). He was involved in the 2012 Fight of the Year with Jim Miller.

Joe Lauzon
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