NAGA Rhode Island

I am super proud of everyone that competed at the NAGA in Rhode Island yesterday. Every single person got better and learned something. We had some people that cleaned out and won their division and we had others that struggled and came up short. As I told a few of you yesterday, this is all part of the process. We had a LOT of people that had really struggled in the past but they won their first matches and medals yesterday. Competing is as much a skill as how you technically control someone, pass their guard and submit them. The only way we get better is by doing it. 

As a team, we crushed it. 
1st – Overall Adult Team Champions
1st – Overall Kids and Teens Team Champions
1st – Adult Gi Team Champions
2nd – Adult No-Gi Team Champions

A huge thanks to everyone that came out to coach and support as well. It gets a little crazy sometimes and I love that we have so many people that can hop into a coaches chair and help coach our competitors when we have so many people going at the same time. 

We are adding Tuesday/Thursday Gi Classes

Starting this week, we are adding some Tuesday and Thursday night Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes. We have typically had them just on Mon/Wed at 6pm, but we are adding some Tues/Thurs 7pm classes with Josh Scott. 

Josh started training with us when he was 6. When he was in high school, he convinced his dad to buy him mats and he ran classes for younger kids out of his garage. We lost him for a few years when he went to college, but we are thrilled he is back.

The Tues/Thurs 7pm Gi class will definitely be more of a fundamentals and basics kind of class, but we know some of you are trying to get more Gi in your life. It is also a little later than the 6pm classes on Mon and Wed, which may work better for some of your schedules. 

This was Josh at 14. Its been over 11 years since this video… but I bet he would get right back to form with a little practice. 

Kids summer Camp

Looking to join the gym and sign up? or Have Friends that have been asking?

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